, pub-7644046360387696, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Gr8 ppl , Gr8 thoughts: Never Take Someone For Granted

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Never Take Someone For Granted

Don’t take a woman for granted.. if she is giving you too much attention. Just consider yourself lucky because maybe she loves you so much that she doesn’t want anyone else to take her place in your life.

If she cries for you don’t think she is weak but consider yourself lucky that she thinks you are worth her precious tears. If she is jealous of the other women around you don’t think she is insecure but she doesn’t want to see anyone else to be in your arms.
If a woman says sorry to you even though it was not her fault don’t think she fears losing you but she considers her relationship worth another chance and she doesn’t want anyone else to have your heart..

Don't take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually. We are all given chances, but you never know when the last chance may be.