, pub-7644046360387696, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Gr8 ppl , Gr8 thoughts: How To Prepare The BEST Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

Thursday, September 21, 2017

How To Prepare The BEST Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

In this article we will deal with a particular product, we will prepare homemade apple cider vinegar. A product that for some time has become very popular all over the world for its undeniable flavor and has been the most used for the manufacture of slimming drinks, recipes and even natural remedies.

In the market we can get a great variety of products for the kitchen, especially for the elaboration of delicious dishes of food. There are those who love to cook with very elaborate products and experience new recipes.

While it is true that we can get everything at a supermarket, it has also happened to us that there is a product that we can not get and we are discouraged because it represents the main ingredient of some food that we want to prepare our family.

This surely has happened to you but thanks to the most expert in the kitchen we have been able to resort to tricks so that we ourselves make that product that we do not get where they usually sell them.


This vinegar has become one of the most indispensable ingredients in the elaboration of many recipes, especially to prepare rich salads. And it is precisely because it is a highly sought after product that is hardly achieved or at a high cost.

But do not be discouraged, take pencil and paper and pay attention to the following indications for you to prepare 100% organic apple cider vinegar.

What do you need:

-A large glass container
-1 kilo of apples
-Mineral water
-3 spoonfuls of sugar
-1 piece of cloth


Wash thoroughly and peel the apples in full and cut it into small pieces. Place in a glass container with sugar and water to cover.

Proceed to cover the container with a piece of cloth and hold it with a rubber band or with the bottle cap.

Let this preparation rest in a dark place at a temperature between 15 to 26 degrees Celsius for 5 or 6 weeks.

After that time, the apples will be fermented and you can glue them. Remove the liquid and pour it into another glass jar and let stand for three more days.

After that time try your vinegar to know if it is at its ideal acidity point and start using your own apple cider vinegar.

If you liked this fabulous trick do not forget to share this information with your family and friends so they too can make their own homemade vinegar.